Property of: Peri Climenes


I don't really know what this thing means by "backstory" but i guess ill recap... my entire first 16 years of life lol
I don't know my parents, I think i knew them at one point but i was like a little shrimplet back then so i don't remember shit, The first memory i have is me as a little mollusk around 6 years old in a barrel on a ship going... somewhere, then a couple hours later i was hauled off said ship and then i was snuck out of said barrel, Yeah that's right i was a proper stow away. Didn't even get caught! At first... Once i was caught they brought me back onto the ship and then forced me to work there for a couple years. When i was 9 they let me leave cause they realized having a minor working on the ship was probably a bad idea, but man... i miss that crew, even though they captured me and kept me as an unpaid worker, Because of that little 3 year stint as an unpaid pirate worker, I REALLY WANTED TO BECOME A PIRATE WHEN I GREW UP, But unfortunately that did not happen, instead i spent like almost half of the rest of my life up until now just farming, because i need money, and being a pirate isn't very well paying, I've farmed so much i got moss growing off of me, I got berries in my hair, oh wait i don't have hair cause shrimps don't have hair i have KELP and VINES that are just piled ON MY HEAD. anyways here i am now, in a new land, hoping to fulfill my dream of being a pirate... and also to farm more... there! is that enough unsolicited information about me you insidious device!!!!